Mesh Surgery Problems
Mesh surgery can cause problems if the mesh products are defective. Pelvic mesh and sling problems include erosion through the vaginal tissue, blood vessel or organ perforation during mesh insertion causing nerve and tissue damage, infection, pain, urethral burning, urinary incontinence, recurrence of bladder, uterus or rectum prolapse, bowel, bladder, and, groin and anal pain and muscle spasms, pudendal, obturator, ilioinguinal neuralgia, pudendal nerve entrapment, dyspareunia or pain during sexual intercourse, vaginal, genital or rectal stabbing pain, tingling, numbness and aching.
Hernia mesh issues involve erosion throughout the tissues, adhesions, mesh migration, mesh contracture, mesh rupture, mesh shrinkage causing wound dehiscence, bowel and organ blockages, perforation into organs and tissues, fistulas, chronic pain, abscesses, infections, adhesions to the bowel and other organs.
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